27 feb. 2011

We are family

I waited soo long before seeing this movie. I just had a feeling that it would be a disappointment. I've got to say that this was anything but a disappointment=D.
I've seen "Step mom" with Julia Robert but didn't think it was that good, I reckon it could've been more emotional. This movie is based on the same story but with a few changes, for example there is three kids now instead of two and the father, not the girlfriend, is the photographer.
It might just sound like small details that's changed, but I have to say that these "small details" changed and improved the movie so much. I cried and laughed during this movie and seeing the end I felt like this movie had the cloture that the english version was lacking of. When I saw "Step mom" I thought that this is a good movie, but I've seen many better. Seeing this one I felt wow this is a great movie;)

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